Dental Insurance Options
At Prentice Dental, we understand that some people appreciate extended payment options in order to get the care they need and avoid more costly care down the road. We are happy to work with you, not only to fully inform you of the financial aspects of your care but also to arrange a payment option that best suits your unique situation.
We will work with your dental insurance and provide full documentation of your dental care so that you can maximize your benefits whenever you come to see us.
At Prentice Dental, we work hard to ensure you get every benefit to which you are entitled. We are excellent at knowing what the insurance carrier wants, and we provide that information with every claim so the benefits are paid in a timely manner. We are happy at any time to review what your policy covers and give you the benefit of our expertise. And, we always review estimates of what should be covered.
That having been said, your dental insurance is a contract between you or your employer and the insurance company, and we are simply a provider of health care. We cannot influence what is actually in your dental insurance in Flower Mound, and questions about that should be addressed with your provider.