Invisalign® clear aligners

The clear choice for a straighter smile!


What you should know about Invisalign.

Invisalign is custom-made to fit your teeth, which means they're more comfortable and effective than one-size-fits-all braces.

Invisalign is comfortable to wear and can be removed for eating and cleaning. They also require fewer office visits compared to traditional braces.

Important factors to consider when getting Invisalign:

  • What are Invisalign?
  • How do I prepare?
  • What can I expect?
  • How much will it cost?
  • How long will it take?
  • What are the results?
  • Do I need to see an orthodontist?
  • Are the benefits of Invisalign?

The benefits of Invisalign

DID YOU KNOW — Properly aligned teeth also reduce your risk for tooth decay and gum disease as well as boost your self-confidence!


This is where clear aligners come in — when teeth are properly aligned, the gums fit more securely around the teeth and better protect against unwanted decay and disease, eliminating a large number of these problems. One of the strongest and healthiest defenses against unwanted dental problems is a straight smile!


  • Clear aligners are rarely noticed by others
  • You can eat what you want during treatment
  • The trays are smooth and comfortable to wear
  • You don’t have to worry about poking wires or lip-snagging brackets
  • The trays can be removed whenever you want
  • Treatment is typically faster than braces

Invisalign vs. braces - Which is better for me?

While Invisalign and braces both straighten teeth, they each do so in very different ways and with different results. Knowing whether Invisalign or braces are a better option for you largely depends on the health of your teeth, your commitment to treatment, your timeline and budget, and the advice given to you from a dental expert.

If your teeth alignment issues are minimal — meaning you simply have crooked teeth — Invisalign is likely the best option for you. Crooked teeth can be straightened up to 50% faster with Invisalign than with traditional braces.



  • Irremovable
  • Metal (typically silver)
  • Worn 24/7 for an average of 2 years
  • Maintained by regular brushing
  • Monthly follow-up visits
  • Some foods may be restricted
  • Ideal for severely misaligned teeth
  • High success rate


  • Removable
  • Clear/“Invisible”
  • Worn 22-24 hrs/day for an average of 6-18 months
  • Maintained by brushing and rinsing trays
  • Aligner trays changed every 2 weeks
  • Must remove before eating or drinking
  • Ideal for mild cases of misaligned teeth
  • Success depends on the wearer

If you’re still unsure, schedule a FREE CONSULTATION with Prentice Dental to discuss your options. The decision is ultimately up to you, but we are happy to address your specific needs and answer any questions you might have.


Our Consultation or Second Opinion Includes:

One-on-One Doctor-Patient Education - We will explain all the details of your oral health in an easy-to-understand manner and go over the entire treatment process. We will answer any questions you might have.

Customized Treatment Planning - Your treatment will be designed around your specific needs, timeline and budget. We will also review pricing and financial options, if needed.

Intraoral Exam - A thorough exam of your mouth will be performed prior to planning treatment. This will allow us to properly assess your oral condition.